
强度 & 调节

力量与调节(S&C) at Westminster is designed to introduce our student-athletes to functional strength training and conditioning in a way that develops the athlete as a person. Student-athletes learn how to perform key movements safely and effectively in order to reduce the risk of sports injury and to improve performance. They are exposed to a variety of resistance training techniques to develop speed and explosiveness as well as strength and durability.
We instill in our athletes sufficient mastery of technique and programming concepts so that they are prepared to continue their sport beyond Westminster or to carry on an effective individual fitness program. 不仅仅是为我们的运动队服务,S&C也体现了威斯敏斯特社区的核心价值, 字符, balance and involvement based on the idea that a successful athletic program will build bonds among participants as they face challenges to meet both personal and team goals.
强度 and 调节 is offered as an afternoon activity during the winter term. Westminster has developed a relationship with Springfield College that will afford us the opportunity to employ a strength and conditioning 实习生 从它的程序中. 这个人将为我们的运动员编写程序, and provide guidance for our coaches both in and out of season. 另外, 我们的溜冰场, 池, two turf fields and courts will be open for winter and spring athletes to train under the supervision of our coaches.


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    泰勒 阿瑟罗 




P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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